Annie Sprinkle has published the transcript of a cheerful conversation held with anti-porn feminist Mae Tyme.
Annie is a legend of sex-positive activism. Mae is a radical lesbian who feels that porn is a tool of the patriarchy. It makes for great reading.

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Mae: The truth is that you and I do view pornography very differently. You view it as an avenue to independence, joy, freedom, fun…
Annie: ….education, harmony, a creative outlet, a safer world…
M: I view it as reinforcing destructive sexual response patterns. If women get any joy and freedom from it, it’s an accident.
A: I think you are a good teacher for me, because you have developed a type of sexuality that is more egalitarian, sensitive, subtle, less costumey and performative. Its deeper, no pun intended.
M: You’re a good teacher for me, because you are developing concepts of energy and teaching women about female ejaculation, about self pleasuring, dispelling shame. But when it gets to be part of the porn industry, I absolutely view it as part and parcel of the patriarchy.
Mae’s views are unfortunately based on a lot of assumptions about the porn industry, and she’s not very keen on men as a species. What’s wonderful here is that Annie steps in with her delightfully non-confrontational style and puts her ideas across in a compassionate way.
Thanks to Regina Lynn for the link.