To celebrate our 4th birthday, For The Girls (FTG) is conducting our third erotic fiction competition. Our aim is to uncover more great examples of sexy writing created expressly for women.
This year’s theme is discovery. It’s a broad theme that can encompass exploration, experimentation, invention, realisation, breaking new ground, and uncovering secrets.
The competition will run throughout June and July and is open to FTG members as well as members of the public. Both professional writers and amateur wordsmiths are welcome to enter.
Competition Rules:
1. Stories should be a maximum of 2000 words in length.
2. Stories can cover any topic, however it must be erotic in nature, sex positive and be written expressly for female readers.
3. The story should address the competition theme of discovery in some way.
4. We will not accept stories that feature any of the following themes or acts: non-consensual sex, bestiality, underage sex, incest, violent or abusive sex, or anything where women are treated without respect.
5. We will not accept stories if the spelling or punctuation are substandard.
6. Stories should be original and previously unpublished.
7. You may use a pseudonym or penname if you wish, however we also need to know your real name for the purposes of the competition.
8. You must be aged 18 or over to enter.
9. All stories must have a title.
10. You may submit a maximum of three stories.

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The judges will be looking for high quality writing, original ideas, intriguing characters and situations and – of course – steamy sex scenes. Don’t just send blow-by-blow descriptions of sex. Talking can be just as exciting as doing. Remember that your story is aimed at a female audience.
If your story is a winner it will be published on the FTG website.
Rights to the three winning stories shall be exclusive to FTG for six months, after which FTG retains the non-exclusive right to archive the stories on the site indefinitely.
If your story is selected as an “honorable mention” FTG retains the non-exclusive right to archive the stories on the site indefinitely.
How To Enter:
Please email your stories, either in the body of the email or attached as a Word or Text document to: shortstorycomp AT (replacing the “AT” with @, of course). Include your real name, pseudonym if required and ensure that your email address is one you use regularly.
The email should have “FTG Short Story Competition” as the subject line.
Please ensure your entry does not contain html tags or excessive formatting. Entries should be single spaced. Do not send RTF documents.
All entries must include the author declaration (see below) in the body of the email.
Entries close midnight 31 July, 2007. Winners will be notifed by email and the results published on the FTG website tour on August 22, 2007.
The Prizes:
First Prize is $200 + publication + 1 month membership to FTG
Second Prize is $100 + publication + 1 month membership to FTG
Third Prize is $50 + publication +1 month membership to FTG
Up to 10 “Honorable Mention” prizes of $10 + 1 month membership to FTG may be awarded at the judges discretion.
All prizes are in US dollars. Payment must be via electronic means such as ePassporte or similar.
All details are here.