I’ve finally seen the film Borat and I now have what can only be described as a mental image hangover from it. Not only does the film feature Sacha Baron Cohen in this frightening outfit, it also has the infamous naked wrestling scene, where Borat clashes with his TV producer in a hotel room.
As Ranier Wolfcastle says in the Simpsons: “My eyes! The goggles do nothing!”

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Now I’ve seen far too many images of naked men in my seven year porn career, but none were quite this appalling. I can’t bring myself to put a photo of it on my blog. If you haven’t seen the film, look for pics here.
Despite my horror, I laughed myself into a fit during the wrestling scene. Borat is a seriously funny film.
Borat is wonderful but not in that outfit, there is something terribly wrong with it….
I haven’t seen the film yet, I must.
I almost considering getting one of those suspender banana hammocks for my own furry body.
I think the film was pretty brilliant too.