On this day 16 years ago my cousin was killed in a motorbike accident. He was 20 and like a brother to me. The sad fact is that he died because he was going way too fast on a winding road, astride a bike he wasn’t licensed to ride.
I remember the dull shock of it all, and the unworldly grief that happens when a young person dies. I was 17, and it was my first real brush with mortality. There it was, the realisation that I, too, would die one day.

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What to do on anniversaries such as this? I feel the need to make some small commemoration, but nothing feels right. If I were Catholic I’d go to a church and light a candle, like they do in Europe, but in my small Australian town that kind of thing doesn’t happen.
So instead I’m writing a blog memorial, and posting a Youtube video. A very Web 2.0 way of offering up a prayer.
The song is Londonbeat’s I’ve Been Thinking About You. They played it at his funeral, right at the end, the absurd dance music thumping up into the vaulted ceiling as his coffin rolled beyond the little white curtain.
It’s such a silly song to remember him by. Still, here it is, 16 years later, and I’m thinking about you.