Xtra.ca has a great interview with Betty Dodson, the “Mother of Masturbation.” It makes for great reading, but one bit stood out for me:
DW: Is there a distinction, in your mind, between sex-positive erotica and porn, or is this a false divide?
BD: That debate successfully divided and conquered America’s feminism in the ’80s. One woman’s erotica is another woman’s porn or the other way around. It’s all sex art. Some of it is good and some of it is stupid, exaggerated or silly. But hey! If an image or an idea gets you off who am I to pass judgment?
I also have to laugh at her term “absexuals” – a word for “folks who get off complaining about sex and trying to censor porn.”

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Check out Betty’s site here.
If you are still interested in this term, it now has a Wikipedia article.