The Toronto Star has featured an article about Candida Royalle and the new Femme Chocolat line of erotic films.

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The writer focuses on the efforts of the filmmakers to include more normal body types in the movie.
It’s not just that AfroDite Superstar is marketed to people of colour, which makes it unique; it also features natural bodies and natural hair – rarities in the world of adult filmmaking.
“The star is a lovely, smart young woman with a very pretty, but average body,” says Royalle. “She definitely has stretch marks. She has nice medium-sized, pendulous breasts. She has an afro.”
Despite misconceptions, it can sometimes be difficult to find adult performers who have bodies that are larger, or are willing to show off their so-called imperfections. But Royalle and Hottentot were committed to showcasing the natural beauty of the stars of the film.
“It’s critical that we widen our definitions of beauty,” says Hottentot. “I recently walked by a newsstand and every woman on every cover looked virtually the same regardless of ethnicity. Isn’t that wild? I am not against people doing whatever they want to their hair or bodies, but I just would like to see more mindfulness in making those decisions.”