Yep, that headline got your attention, didn’t it?
Thanks to an episode of Oprah, I’ve now been exposed to the insanity that is Bear Grylls. This guy is the kind of Discovery Channel lunatic that would make Steve Irwin (RIP) proud.

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So, in the above episode of Man Vs Wild in which he simulates being lost in the French Alps, Bear deliberately jumps into a frozen lake so he can explain how to survive if you fall in.
The best bit happens at around the 6 minute mark, when he strips off his wet clothes and uses snow to dry himself. And then he does a few pushups to get warm.
Unfortunately the doco blurs out his willy so you can’t see exactly how much shrinkage occurs when you jump into freezing water and then rub your naked body with snow.
Nonetheless, it’s a nice bit of footage that’s well worth perving at. Enjoy.