It’s International Women’s Day. I thought the best way to celebrate it at this blog was to whack up a photo of a naked man. See, feminism IS fun.
Actually, I found this bit of information on the IWD site quite interesting:

Support independent, ethically made, award-winning porn. Bright Desire features all of my erotic films and writing. A membership to Bright Desire gets you access to every movie I've ever made and lets me keep making female friendly porn!
Click here to find out more.
Many women’s groups around the world who understand, respect and chose to honour the history and progress made by the suffragettes use purple as their predominant representative colour.
The use of pink for girls and blue for boys represents the unfortunate gender socialisation and female oppresion that occurs at a very early age. Thus many feminists historically decried the use of pink to represent females.
Of course there is nothing wrong with the colour pink – it’s just that when it is used to positively represent women it in fact does quite the opposite.
Purple is the correct colour to be used if representing women’s advancement. Purple with green represents traditional feminism, purple with gold represents progressive contemporary feminism.
Now, you’ll notice that this blog is pretty damned purple. And the whole of Ms Naughty Porn for Women is purple. You’ll also notice that For The Girls goes in for a hell of a lot of purple as well.
That’s because I love this colour. AND surveys have shown it’s a favourite of many women.
And now I find that it’s the most feminist colour you can get.
Right on, sisters.