In November I reviewed Dana Dane’s Erocktavision for For The Girls. On the whole I liked the film. It made a nice change from the usual porn I’ve seen. The girl-girl action doesn’t go through the cliches we’ve seen so many times, although I think it’s fair to say that it’s not really a “dyke” film. This movie welcomes it’s female audience but still wants to keep male viewers happy.
Here are some of the notes I made while watching the film:
“So… it’s a music video with lesbian sex. The music sounds like the Doors.”
“Now dance music, shower scenes, chaps, quick clip of horse riding… Horse riding??”

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“The Lesbian Couple in this movie are two fairly regular women, thin but with no plastic surgery. Just normal-looking, quite pretty.”
“The visual effects can be a little annoying. I wish the director had chosen the moments for change a little better. Yes, it does happen at good moments, but then sometimes she just flips the button for no apparent reason and I think that detracts.”
“Hmm, I think the horseriding shots verge on the pretentious, just a little.”
“OK, so I’m just not hip to the whole ‘rubbing uglies’ thing. I always thought it was just a creation of men’s porn to simulate fucking between women. Do real lesbians really rub their cunts together to get off? Seems like a very inefficient way to achieve orgasm. There’s also the danger of shaving/waxing burn with each other’s pubic stubble/landing strip.”
“A mixture of images, it seems. More rock videoy. I like this bit, it’s fast moving and very hot – cunni, strapons, glass dildos, fingers, kissing and occasional shots of the girls smiling or giggling at the camera.”
“The film is also mostly free of those annoying porny clichés like slapping on the butt and bad dialogue. These girls don’t wear shoes during sex. It also doesn’t feel too contrived. The overall feeling is of two girls who just like getting it on together, and they enjoy each other’s bodies easily and freely.”
“Well, this could well be the only porn movie that features a scene where two lesbians fuck their way up the stairs with a strapon. Carpet burn on the knees doesn’t seem to be a problem, although they may have to visit the chiropractor later on with a bad case of lesbian’s stair-shagger’s back.”
“I like this song – ‘You wanna be my lover’. Also ‘Hold on for life’ is good too.”
“It would appear that rubbing uglies is a legitimate lesbian thing. I guess my next question is – how common is it? Do porn movies like this one accurately portray how often this happens? Because my God there’s a lot of it in this one.”
“Ooh, dripping hot wax on your pussy… that’s gonna be painful to get it out of the pubic hair. Maybe she was ready for a brazilian anyway.”