Suddenly it seems as though sex blogging awards are everywhere!
Nominations for the 2007 Bloggies close today (10th January).

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Nominations for the Dirty Spoke Sex Blog of the Year awards close on the 15th January.
A site called KBCafe currently has voting for best sex blog among others, from a huge selection of 2.
I found this “best sex blogs” page from a site called the Best of Blogs awards, but they don’t seem to having a competition this year. Or maybe it’s been delayed.
So… I wasn’t going to nominate myself… I’m not quite a “sex blog” in the standard sense of the word. And then I don’t have nearly enough traffic or readers to get a look in at the Bloggies. But then I looked at the Dirty Spoke page and ego kicked in.
So… please nominate me I nominated myself for “Best Female Sex Blogger.” Me Me Me, it’s all about me.
By the way, check out Sam Sugar’s commentary on the idea of a dress-up Sex Blog Awards night like the Oscars.