I’ve made a little site called Hairy Chested Hunks.
The waxed chest is fairly ubiquitous when it comes to male models. Somewhere along the line it was decided that a hairless chest was best, and I know that a lot of women mourn that fact. Perhaps the waxed chest is a sign of gayness, but that aint necessarily so. Plenty of young straight men are keen to go sans-chest hair as part of the general trend towards smooth skin.

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But hairy chests used to be the mark of manliness. Cosmo’s first centerfold featured Burt Reynolds in all his hairy goodness, his dark, thick chest fur and hairy arms and legs making him something of a reclining carpet.
Today I think women still want chest hair, although perhaps not at the intense levels we saw during the seventies. Chest hair on a model seems to suggest that the guy is a bit more down-to-earth, and perhaps a bit macho. Maybe we women don’t want our men to be stereotypical but body hair on a man still has that distinct ring of manly strength that our undeconstructed selves secretly enjoy.
I’m partial to a hairy chest. Beats stubble any day.