Well, I wasn’t so keen on this whole “top 3” thing until today. I didn’t vote, mainly because I don’t have time to read through every entry and make a decision. Anyway, enjoy.
This week’s best of the sex blogs by the bloggers who blog them. Featuring the top 3 posts voted by Sugasmer participants. Want in Sugasm #45? Submit a link to your best post of the week using this form. Participants, repost the linklist within a week and you’re all set.

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Top Voted Posts
How To Win An Erotic Fiction Competition (http://www.msnaughty.com)
My post of tips for aspiring writers made an impact, it seems. I’m sitting here immersed in a self-satisfied glow. Now… here’s hoping that next year I get less crap entries to our short story competition.
Tales From Under The Desk, Part 7 (http://thebinside.blogspot.com)
Ooh, this little sub/dom encounter makes for some rather hot reading! I should warn you, it’s part 7, but after getting that brief glimpse, you’re probably going to want to start from the beginning.
Turning Point (http://masterenigma.blogspot.com)
I found this one really disturbing to read. Be warned, it’s got some serious BDSM stuff in it, stuff that’s really not my bag. Even so, it’s very compelling; like passing a car accident, it’s hard to look away. There’s also spelling mistakes, and we’ve already spoken about that LOL, but it’s a blog so that’s OK.
Mr. Sugasm Himself
Nearly Nude Modeling and the Paedophile Problem (http://sugarbank.com)
You know, I’m not sure I want that “P” word on my blog, but I have to post the link, so here it is.
Random Selection
Polyamorous? Or just plain selfish? (http://damnjezebel.com)
An interesting ramble about polyamory and the double standard.
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Lots more good reading here, check it out.
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