Thanks to Yahoo News I now know a lot more about a new company called Butlers In The Buff. This is a British service that offers nearly-naked men as waiters and attendants at functions and parties.
Thus, if you’re having a hen’s night, private party, corporate function or wedding reception, you can hire a bunch of buff, good looking nude men to serve your horse doovers (I believe that’s spelt hors d’oeuvres in some countries). The guys wear only a bow-tie and long apron, their trim bums on display for the viewing pleasure of guests. The company has a strict “no touching” policy, and the closest partygoers get to the butlers is a photo at the end of the night.
Now I suspect the question many readers are asking is this: Corporate functions? What corporation holds a function featuring naked male waiters, and how can I start working there?

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It turns out that a rather large number of companies have made use of the service, including the BBC, the Savoy Hotel and several swish restaurants and bars.
The Yahoo article informed me that the company considers itself “a tasteful alternative to strippers and pole dancers.” It also provided me with this ripsnorter of a quote from owner Jason Didcott:
“We want nice, charming, gentlemanly types. At the interview we just check their upper body. We take their bums on trust.”
I can’t wait until that phrase turns up in politics. “Yes, my parliamentary collegues are all hardworking, honest individuals, but you’re just going to have to take their bums on trust.”
Turns out that gay wedding receptions are now big business in the UK and the buff waiters are very popular. Note to self: try and get invited to a gay wedding if possible.
The Butlers website is full of fascinating information about the service (including how to apply for a job) but I recommend you visit just for the lovely photo galleries.