It’s Sunday, it’s heading into winter here in Australia, so I thought I’d whack up a nice photo of a naked man posing in warm yellow sunlight.
He reminds me a little of Johnny Depp. Maybe it’s just the hair. And he’s got that nice groin muscle thing going on… mmmm.

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He’s also handily demonstrating the kind of furniture display technique that you rarely see on game shows. “Look at this exquisite lounge,” he seems to be implying. “Doesn’t it look just fabulous with my dick resting gently upon the armrest here. Yes, it is real leather. The lounge, not my dick, I mean…”
The full set of this hunky guy is of course available at For The Girls.
hmm, a nice pic even if I don’t swing that way. sorry for the shameless plug, but maybe you’ll drop by my own photoblog? If you like nude photos of a real guy with a flair for the artful, you’re most welcome…