The news that Women want to see Matthew McConaughey naked had me flicking through my many and varied naked man photo sets.
I knew I had pics of a guy who looked so much like Matthew McConaughey that I’d labelled the set as such, just to help me remember what he looked like.

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Inspired by so many women’s devotion to The Idea Of A Naked Matthew, I thought I’d whip together a little ol’ free site featuring these photos.
So sit back and enjoy The Naked Matthew McConaughey Lookalike Site. It’s not him, but he sure looks similar. And he has a rather nice long dick.
If you’re looking for naked photos of the real thing, I suggest you visit Male Celebrities. This site has plenty of naked screenshots and nude paparazzi photos along with news items and a big community. There are gay hardcore pics as well, because the site is aimed at gay men in general, but that may be a bonus if you like man on man porn. Either way, it’s a good site for nude male celebrity photos.