Susie Bright on “Bound”

I’ve long admired the film Bound. It’s a great thriller, but it’s also got the hottest lesbian sex scene ever filmed (at least, in a mainstream film).

The reason the scene – and the lesbian characters – was so good was thanks to Susie Bright. She’s written a long and detailed blog post about how she came to be the technical expert on the Wachowski brother’s first film. It’s well worth reading.


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A snippet:

My idea, inspired from the Kathy footage, was that we show a woman’s legs, straining and squeezing, and that we also see that her lover’s forearm between her thighs at the same time. We dwell on that arm for a moment, moving back and forth in a fucking rhythm, unrelenting. Then, instead of following her arm all the way up to her lover’s pussy, we would cut to her stomach, fluttering like a little butterfly in that spasm we all recognize as orgasm. I loved the idea of eroticizing a woman’s belly like that.

The post also addresses Susie’s thoughts on why she feels Erotique was not a successful film.

So I ended up writing the dialog for a script with a woman director I admired, Lizzie Borden, and I loved working with the actors during that shoot. But once I was off the scene, the producer took the movie and got rid of every element that made him personally uncomfortable— and there went the movie’s promise…

If this was women’s erotica, then it was a major sellout. I wanted to wear one of those buttons that say, “I just work here.” I agreed with everyone’s criticism. Why no male nudity? Why all the coy lesbian pattycake, and avoidance of any man to man eroticism, when it was clearly in the script’s intentions? Why all the gender clichés?

I didn’t mind Erotique – I take what I can get – but it was rather boring in places and the sex wasn’t that thrilling. It promised a lot but didn’t deliver and yes, it’s a huge shame.