I’ve added a new page to the blog – my top 20 music videos.

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One of my fave vids is Robbie Williams doing Rock DJ (above). I thought I’d repost it on the blog as an introduction to the new page. It does, after all, feature full frontal male nudity, something we’re all keen to see.
My comments from the list:
Here, Robbie takes it ALL off, although unfortunately they do pixel out the good bits. There’s something vaguely obscene about this video and I’m sure it could easily inspire a 4000 word essay about the sexual politics involved, but I still find it very amusing. At least Robbie is honest enough to admit he’s prepared to rip his own bum off to get attention.
PS. I’ve done a list of top 10 music videos with nudity at Quirky Sex Blog. That was fun to compile!