Well dang, gee, that six weeks went quickly. Yes? Bueller? Bueller? Is there anyone left reading this blog at all after 6 weeks?
Anyway I’m back from my adventures in the US. Had a brilliant time, packed in SO many things including some porny goodness and some great get-togethers with online friends. I have numerous photos and reports that I’m going to post here over the next week or so… if I can stop wasting time watching the Olympics. Or, the ads with Olympic breaks.

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Travel broadens the mind and makes the heart grow fonder. I’ve returned back home impressed with what I’ve seen yet grateful for where I live and aware that I live a privileged existence. I saw a lot of beautiful country in the US – and a lot of hardship and poverty as well. There are some serious cultural divides there that we don’t experience in Australia – the disparities in class, culture, race and wealth are much greater in the US than here. America has so many great things about it and also a lot of stuff that needs changing. There’s a lot of contradictions but perhaps that’s the case with any nation.
I know that I fell in love with the redwood trees and the gorgeous mountains in California, had a ball letting off fireworks on the 4th of July and loved the relaxed fun of Santa Cruz. And I adored the sheer friendliness and fun-loving nature of New York. I can’t wait to go back to NY and soak up the sheer *civilized* nature of it.
I went to enjoy summer and I got it – extended days and warm air – although LA and San Francisco were freezing by my standards. There was a heat wave in the east while we were rugged up in LA. I didn’t get to swim on my birthday but at least it was light until 9pm.
We got back on Thursday (lost a whole day thanks to the international dateline) and I’ve had the flu since then. Back to work today.
Glad you had a good visit. I live in California, and I’m glad you enjoyed some of the great things about it!
I’m not surprised you noticed cultural and class divides here in America. I think it has gotten a lot worse in the past 20 years. Our urban areas have become almost like third world countries, with extreme wealth and poverty in close proximity.
Anyway, still reading your blog so cheers!!