I’m back from a lovely month in France. I could bore you with a slide show of my adventures but I thought I’d put up this photo instead.
It was on display in a French newsagent on a low shelf. Where children could see it! Ack! Cue the moral outrage! How could this happen? Don’t they know that images of boobs irretrievably corrupt children and turn them into nasty, fire-breathing atheists, or something? Quick! something must be done! I’ll have to complain to a politician and demand greater censorship somehow.

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I believe the model on the left is androgynous male model Andrej Pejic, whose image was recently censored in the US because he looks too female.
Interestingly, images of bare boobs seem to be relatively common in France. I saw some on a movie poster at a cinema complex, right next to a poster for the Smurf movie. I also spotted a nipple or two on a billboard advertising cars.
France is also delightfully blase about putting condom vending machines everywhere. You’ll find them on any street in larger cities. Voila:
I took a pic of that one because of the sexy ad for skin cream behind it.
Seems that France doesn’t have much of an issue with public displays of sexuality. There’s no demand to hide it from children, no plaintive wails of “what will I say to my kids!” (or equivalent in French, although I suspect there’s no translation because the French don’t bother with such shit). Sex is part of life there and the French happily embrace it as part of the joie de vie.
It’s part of a wider culture difference I observed in that country, one that expects individuals to take responsibility for themselves. There are no signs on ruins warning you that it’s dangerous to climb on the ruins. The French think that if you choose to be an idiot, that’s your own problem. There are no signs telling you not to swing off ropes into the river or to walk along high walls. There are very few railings in high places. The one time I did see a sign warning of danger due to steep drops, it was telling parents to keep an eye on their kids.
So naturally there’s no ramped-up hysteria about the “sexualisation of children” and no concerns that a picture of a woman’s breast will somehow ruin a child’s life. Zey are boobs, zey are beautiful. What is ze problem?
Ohhh Ms Naughty, what a shame! You seem to have mixed up ‘sex’ with ‘sexism’. Liberation is all well and good, but naked women in car adverts? on what planet is that progress?
Au contraire, mon chere! I’m well aware of the sexism that pervades France and was on the receiving end of it on occasion (and that’s a whole other blog post). Yes, using naked women to sell cars is sexist but in this case my point is that there is a blase attitude towards nudity in that country that we don’t have here, especially when it comes to kids seeing nudity. And I do think the French have a relaxed attitude to sex as well.
Great to have you back! Glad you have a good trip. And thanks for pointing that out about the lack of ramped-up hysteria about the “sexualisation of children” in a culture where nudity is just not that big of a deal. And why should it be.