That’s it, I’m outta here.
I’m going to France for a month. For a holiday. When the FTG revamp went to hell again in July, I threw up my hands and said, fuck it, I’m running away. So I am. I’m going to Europe and I’m just going to enjoy myself. No work, no porn, nothing. Just me, having a good time with my lovely spouse.

Support independent, ethically made, award-winning porn. Bright Desire features all of my erotic films and writing. A membership to Bright Desire gets you access to every movie I've ever made and lets me keep making female friendly porn!
Click here to find out more.
I was going to do all sorts of filler posts in the meantime, leave you with some nice pics or interesting info. But sometimes you just have to stop, step away and let things slide. So the Ms Naughty blog is going to be even more neglected than the last month. I’m sure you’ll be OK without me.
I will have a netbook and access to lots of free wi-fi while I’m away so I may happily tweet every now and again. Look at the sidebar for those.
And when I come back, I’ll be relaxed, refreshed and ready to make more porn, as is my want.
You have links that are the same links that every other ‘porn for women’ website has and NONE of them are free even if you list them under ‘free’ I clicked on a few links and they all basically are to For The Girls which seems like a nice website but I am uncomfortable paying for pornography. There is no place, like consumer reports for an example, that can tell you that this or that site is all right with your information.
Plus on some other so-called ‘just for girls’ I saw a lot of cock sucking and other images that were basically just the same nasty gross crap that is on places like Youporn. And I am really bothered by all the abusive ‘movies’ that they show clips of on the sides of the screen.
This is turning me off of sex completely.
ARE there any FREE, quality, no-men-involved-in-the-management, porn sites for women with no really nasty crap?
Why are you uncomfortable paying for porn? Do you just want people to fuck and make movies for nothing? If that’s the case, you should be looking at amateur content. There’s lots of it out there.
Please read this post:
I own For The Girls. That’s why I recommend it and also post links in my linklist to our FREE galleries and movies. But I also recommend other female-friendly, female run adult sites that I like – you see those links in the linklist. Most of these people charge for their content. Because porn is a business. Remember, when you pay for something you like, you encourage them to make more of it. Of course, they also offer FREE SAMPLES which you’ll find in the linklist. But if you want the whole thing for free… well, do you also want your meals for free? Your rent?
If you’re looking on the free tube sites, naturally you’ll find nasty crap. If you want something worthwhile, be prepared to pay for it.