Those of you who regularly read my blog might know that my lovely husband has a beard. He’s had one ever since I met him and I love it as much as I love him. He doesn’t enjoy shaving but I also think he looks better with facial hair. Sometimes it gets a bit bushy and out of control but he trims it back and it’s great.
So naturally I can’t help but love the new single by Australian band The Beards called You Should Consider Having Sex With A Bearded Man (sound link below – it’s not on Youtube yet). The Beards sing exclusively about the joy of facial hair and the band is made up of four very hairy blokes with pseudonyms like John Beardman Jr and Facey McStubblington. Recent hits include No Beard, No Good and Every Wizard Needs a Beard.

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Their new song features a plethora of glorious lines like “he rubs his bristles on your mammary glands” and “don’t try and fight just get freaky with a beard tonight”. It’s also the only song I know of that makes use of the term “pash rash”.
Better still, this delightful song takes inspiration from 80s cock-rock power ballads, complete with full synthesiser solo, a la Van Halen’s Jump and Europe’s The Final Countdown and the singer engages in an occasional spot of falsetto, similar to The Darkness’ Justin Hawkins. I’m in heaven!
You Should Consider Having Sex With A Bearded Man by The Beards
You might consider encouraging this cool band and buying their song on iTunes. They’re also embarking on the 100 Beards Tour, trying to convince 100 men to grow their beards during the course of the tour.
I do enjoy me some silliness in my music.
I’d love to buy this but I’m not having another computer die by installing itunes. Is it available anywhere else?
I’m not sure, perhaps email the Beards via their site and ask.