I own over 100 domains. I’ve got a whole bunch of sites out there that have been online for years. Plenty still look the same as they did five years ago. Too many have broken links and images, outdated text. It’s a result of a bad habit I have: I think of an idea, buy a domain, create a site for it and then move on. I’ve actually still got about 20 domains waiting for me to put something on them.
Ms Naughty is overdue for a revamp. I want to change the design and, more importantly, change the linklist. I want to move it beyond a simple free porn list and include more types of content like blogs and tumblrs. I want to add a heap more categories. I want to better reflect the diversity that I saw so many women talking about on Lady Porn Day.
But damn, it’s going to be a big job. One of the problems is that the linklist script that I paid $300 for is no longer supported. The programmer just went offline, never to be heard from again. My application of the script has errors and I’m not sure how to fix them. So that’s a little frustrating.
Meanwhile, For The Girls is STILL awaiting its member’s area revamp.

Support independent, ethically made, award-winning porn. Bright Desire features all of my erotic films and writing. A membership to Bright Desire gets you access to every movie I've ever made and lets me keep making female friendly porn!
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Way back in July 2009, Jane and I decided it was time to change FTG and update the inside, make it easier to use. I also had heaps of new ideas for content, both written and visual. I was really excited at moving the site forward, keeping up with the changes in porn.
It still hasn’t fucking happened.
We made the mistake of hiring a Dutch design company who ripped us off. They lied, wasted 7 months of our time and still didn’t deliver the finished product. The full story is here.
After the dust from that had settled we gathered up some more money and hired a new programmer to start again. He’s been working on the new member’s area since September, building a CMS from scratch. Apparently it’s a bigger job than we thought because we have too many photos and videos. I guess that’s a quality problem.
In any case, we were getting very close. We had hoped to launch the new member’s area on March 1. But then there was the Christchurch earthquake. Our programmer lives in Christchurch. Thankfully he’s OK but he’s without power, hasn’t slept and needs somewhere to stay. He’s obviously not very interested in working right now.
So it may be another month until we can launch.
One of the frustrating things about this is that we’ve held off from making changes to FTG until the design was done. We haven’t actively promoted ourselves because we thought we’d wait for the new design. Everything got put on hold. And putting your site on hold for a 18 months is insane. Although at the time, we were just waiting until tomorrow, next week, next month.
Towards the end of last year we finally stopped waiting and went ahead with some of our new projects like our male model shoot and my latest film. I’m still organising new written material.
Meanwhile, I can see other changes on the porn horizon. I want to take advantage of those. I need to organise FTG and my other sites to be ready for it.
I have SO much work to do.
And yet all these great updates over the last few days! Well, as a regular reader of your blog, I just have to say I appreciate what you write. I’m sure that things go well for you and your projects into the future!