The blog has been neglected for a week because I’ve been rather busy with For The Girls – specifically, we were doing a major photography session to be featured in upcoming updates. We booked a swish apartment at the beach and proceeded to move every single piece of furniture around, setting up a temporary photo studio. Then we had six very lovely men come in so we could capture their general hotness on film. I also took some fun behind-the-scenes video which we’ll also feature – I got a little video-happy and now there’s 4 tapes to edit.

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We were also going to do some scenes on the beach but the weather was atrocious. It rained almost constantly – at least, until the day we were leaving.
There were a few times during the two days when I had a “how did I get here?” moment. It’s when you realise that you’re in a very unusual situation that your careers counsellor never anticipated. One such moment involved me standing clothed in the shower cubicle, hosing down a naked erect man with the hand shower while Jane took pics. There’s not a lot of small talk you can make in those kinds of situations, besides “So… do you come here often?”
I also had the job of wrapping electrical cables around another model for an arty shot and arranging a computer mouse just so. Good fun.
These pics are just a taste of what we shot. It’s going to take a while to edit things and I suspect Christmas will get in the way but they’ll be appearing at For The Girls very soon.