So it’s official now: the Opposition will scrap plans for the internet filter if they get into government. Liberal Treasury spokesperson Joe Hockey spoke about this stance on JJJ radio and it was later confirmed by another party spokesperson.
If you were reading my Twitter feed you would have seen that my husband actually got Joe Hockey to say this over two weeks ago (July 18) when we were on holiday in Cairns. We were strolling the boardwalk on the esplanade when seemingly out of nowhere Mr Hockey appeared, pressing the flesh with media in tow. My husband asked him if it was Liberal policy to oppose the filter and Mr Hockey said it was. There were channel 7 and channel 9 cameras recording this, along with several other journos present.

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Alas, it didn’t make the Sunday news. There was no mention of him saying this anywhere. The media simply decided it wasn’t important enough to publish.
Worse still, we’d left our little camera in the hotel room so we had no proof that it even happened. Imagine if I’d got the exchange on camera and put it up on Youtube?
Today I read Annabel Crabb’s amazing behind-the-scenes article about how journalists are “embedded” with politicians on the campaign trail. It’s not surprising that this is the most inane and soulless election ever, given the stitched-up nature of political reporting in this country.
Imagine if citizen journalists were allowed access to these stage-managed press conferences? Imagine if more of us were able to ask the real questions and then put the footage out there via the net? Perhaps we’d have more honesty, clarity and facts and a far better democracy.
Maybe we need to be more proactive in holding our elected officials to account.
Such a shame that you didn’t have your camera with you! It would have been great to one up the big media.
Still, well done for even asking the question.
These days I much rather get news and information from independent sources (like you Ms Naughty) than from main stream media. The fascinating little nuggets that get turned up are far more interesting than the bland pap from Fairfax and the like.