I’m back.
I’ve actually been back in Australia for a week but it’s taken me 7 days to drive home from Sydney, visit a bunch of people on the way and recover from jetlag. Or try to recover – I was up at 5.30am this morning, listening to the familiar birdcalls and feeling excited about getting back into work.
I’m particularly keen to edit my video taken at the Berlin Porn Film Festival. There’s about 4 hours of it so I’ve got a big job ahead of me. I’m really happy I captured Candida Royalle’s lecture about her body of work on the Friday night. I also got a bunch of wonderful interviews with all the porn filmmakers present at the festival and made some great contacts – more in a major post coming soon.

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And if you missed the Twitter feed, my big news is that the short version of That’s What I Like won the Petra Joy Award. Which was amazing and unexpected and very thrilling. As a finalist I got to spend the evening with 3 other very talented new filmmakers, drinking champagne and cruising around in a limousine. Very cool. I was also interviewed for German TV, although I have yet to see the end result. Not sure if I want to, really, could be quite mortifying.
There’s pics on Petra’s site – and yes, that IS me. I’ve finally outed myself, perhaps against my better judgement. But to hell with it. This is me… this is what I do. And that’s what I look like, for better or worse.
And I’ve taken a real liking to my new pseudonym Louise Lush. I decided against using Ms Naughty due to possible legal issues so I’ve opted for a fresh persona. Feels like a new start in a way.
I didn’t get to keep the giant comedy cheque. Probably just as well, our luggage was over the weight limit before we started. I had to take my very heavy star trophy home in my hand luggage. Thankfully customs didn’t think it was explosive.
I also had an amazing time being a tourist in Germany, both in Berlin and driving around Bavaria. It’s a beautiful country (albeit VERY COLD at this time of year) and I also love the liberal attitude towards sex over there. Kreuzberg, the area of Berlin where the porn festival was held, is home to a huge Turkish/Muslim migrant population and several gay nightclubs. Now that’s a happy, tolerant city.
It was also exciting to be there as the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall approached. I wasn’t there for the big day but there was still a growing vibe at the time, one of celebration and hope. For me the whole thing made me feel kind of old; archive photos show Berliners sitting atop the wall in acid-wash jeans and mullet haircuts… you know, the cool stuff everyone wore when I was a teenager. It’s confronting for 1989 to now be considered “history” but as George Harrison said, all things must pass.
Will post a few travel pics here over the next few days, including some I took at the Museum of Medical History. The above photo is a huge mural on the wall of a hotel near the East Side Gallery. Typically Berlin, very sexy and no-one raises an eyebrow.