This is the cover of Temptations 2, an erotic fiction compilation from Xcite Books. Nice, isn’t it?

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Support independent, ethically made, award-winning porn. Bright Desire features all of my erotic films and writing. A membership to Bright Desire gets you access to every movie I've ever made and lets me keep making female friendly porn!
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It’s one of 3 recently released by that company. They have responded to calls from Erotica Cover Watch to have more men on the covers of erotic fiction books. I think it’s very appealing.
Beautiful cover above. I read your posting regarding erotica book covers with great interest because I decided to forego using a photo of a model on the cover of my erotic fiction anthology (Surprise-publication 6/1/10). Indeed, I consider a subtle cover to be an advantage because the reader can read the book anywhere. As a straight woman, I am a little perplexed at why marketers think that a nude/partially nude woman on the cover will entice me to buy a book. And since books often feature sex of several persuasions, why is it they think a female symbolizes all flavors?
I would love to send you a copy of my book. Just say the word. Thanks.