I should have blogged about this on the weekend but I was busy with a festival. In any case, the mainstream media are on the trail of women and porn again, thanks to this article by Violet Blue on CNN. Today it featured on the front page with a resulting surge in interest.
The piece gives a positive overview of the statistics and the reasons why more women are watching porn. Her mention of Tony Comstock’s films have given his sales a huge boost (you know, one day I’m going to have a film that Violet mentions in her articles as well. One day…)

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Violet has also written about the article on her blog.
Despite the fact that the piece is a win for balanced stories about porn in the mainstream media, there is one glaring problem with CNN’s page – it happily provides a link to anti-porn crusaders Pure Life Ministries but does not link to either Maria Beatty’s site or to Comstock Films. No doubt this is due to some “NSFW” link policy but the question needs to be asked: why link to Pure Life at all? The article only mentions it in passing. Surely it would be better not to link to anyone if you can’t be balanced with your linking policy?