On this day five years ago I wrote my first post of the old Ms Naughty’s Porn For Women Blog. Thus, today is my fifth blogaversary and I thought I’d mark the occasion by revamping the blog design.
The old theme has served me very well but it’s time I finally got with the hip and groovy things and went wider and snazzier. So I’ve now got two columns at the side and I’ve added a tag cloud, among other things. I’m also adding a few new pages and looking to revamp the linklist a little. I have no idea if this will make Google like me again; I suspect it will make no difference. But I’ve had to stop caring about search engine rank with this site and just concentrate on making it useful and readable.

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June also marks the 6th birthday of For The Girls. Way back in 2003 Jane and I launched our ambitious little paysite, complete with all the guys we thought were hot and a bunch of my AWF articles.
Now, 6 years later, the site is just chock a block with content, all archived from the previous years. Who’d a thunk that we’d last this long? And we’re not going anywhere. FTG remains as popular as ever and we’re keen to keep it running for as long as women want us.
So here’s cheers to another 6 years.
Congratulations on all fronts Ms Naughty! The layout is nice, like moving out of a terrace house in a wide double fronter
I’m coming up for 5 years soon too – time’s gone quick hasn’t it?
Congratulations! Time definitely has gone quickly. I was around when you and Jane launched For The Girls…
Heres to the future!