You may have noticed I haven’t been posting much this week. That’s because I’m having too much fun making a little short film. It started out as a 30 second promo and now it’s stretched to 3 minutes and I’m thinking of entering it into film festivals.

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Support independent, ethically made, award-winning porn. Bright Desire features all of my erotic films and writing. A membership to Bright Desire gets you access to every movie I've ever made and lets me keep making female friendly porn!
Click here to find out more.
Can’t wait to get it finished and out there. The above song by the Divinyls is my ideal choice for the music (which will give you an idea of what the film’s about) but I’ve opted for cheaper royalty free stuff instead.
This is a great song, though and Chrissie Amphlett has always been kickarse when it comes to being aggressively sexy.