The Times Online has an extended article on an elite swingers/sex club currently operating in London – Killing Kittens. It caters specifically for women and aims to take the sleaze out of swinging.

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It’s about women — not alpha females who storm up to men — but feminine and sensual ones who can go and dance around in their underwear and drink with no pressure and no expectations, just free to feel sexy and have fun.” This “girls make the rules and only girls can break the rules” ethos certainly seems to work for many of the ones who go. Much of the feedback is positive. Wildly so. “For me, it’s a bit of a journey,” explains a recent female convert.
An interesting idea. Unfortunately the writer of the article attacks the issue with a distinctly sex-negative bias. She questions the idea that anyone would want to have guilt-free sex, suggesting that there must always be something wrong with the participants.