Almost another week gone without a post. The last few days have been rather stressful, mainly because my husband had a seizure on Wednesday. Beyond the initial adrenaline-laced shock of that day, I’ve been busy visiting doctors and generally looking after him, not to mention doing a lot of online research into epilepsy. We’re both OK now, but it’s going to mess with our lives a bit.
For me, the incident has been a reminder not to take my loved ones for granted. It’s also shown me just how many good friends we both have, both in our neighbourhood and online. The Tweets, DMs and emails I received were very much appreciated. I felt so alone when it originally happened but I know that’s not the case.

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So. In the meantime, I’m still editing the video from last weekend, behind schedule now but getting there. A lot of my other projects are on the backburner, sadly neglected after such a hectic couple of weeks. I’ll get back to them eventually.
Life goes on.
Don’t take yourself for granted, either. Take good care, OK?
Glad to hear you’re both okay!
Thanks for your kind thoughts. We almost back to normal… I just have to ease back on the hypervigilant surveillance of him. Blogging is an excellent distraction.
It’s quite a shock . Take care.