A survey by a site called Gaydar Girls has found that lesbians want to watch more porn, but they find that most of the stuff on offer sucks.
Why am I not surprised?

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This press release says:
According to a survey conducted by the leading lesbian networking portal gaydargirls.com, women like their films to be feminine and sexy, with a something of a plot or storyline and loads of on screen chemistry between the women.
And a whopping 70 per cent said they would buy more porn if the sex was targeted properly at lesbians, which suggests that girl-on-girl porn films could potentially become a massive new spectator sport given a lot more innovation and investment.
The site did a survey about what kind of stuff lesbians and bi girls wanted to see:
• 82.2 per cent want plenty of foreplay
• 72.8 per cent want to see oral sex
• 68.8 per cent want more clitoral stimulation
• 59.9 per cent want to see more chemistry and tension between the stars
• 58.3 per cent like to see sex toys
• 54.5 per cent want more of a build up/anticipation in films
They need to visit my authentic lesbian porn page at Porn Movies for Women to find the good stuff.
*nod* This doesn’t surprise me at all; in our household, we make a distinction between, on the one hand, lesbian / dyke / woman-woman porn; and on the other, “lesbian” porn – where the latter is basically representations of straight male fantasies about what they think or want sex between women to be like.