Last week I reviewed the new erotica for women book Dirty Girls for For The Girls. In a previous post I expressed concern at the cliquey comments on the back, but I’m pleased to say that the inside is fabulous. Don’t judge a book by its cover!
The collection is chock full of naughty sexual adventures starring women who aren’t afraid to enjoy themselves. These are dirty girls indeed, greedy as they are for pleasureable, unusual or challenging experiences. You’ll find lesbianism, threesomes, bondage, power play, voyeurism and public sex within these pages, and a whole lot more.

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Some of the stories are confronting and evoke strong emotion. Others make you want to curl up with a throbbing vibrator and just get down to business.
Dirty Girls sets out to create a hip and edgy vibe, one that is divorced from idea that women’s erotica is all about “soft-focus” romantic sex. I’m not going to go into the legitimacy of whether women’s porn really fits that mould or not. What is important here is that this book offers female readers a nice swathe of erotic variety and adds to the growing collection of quality women’s erotic fiction on the market today.
I liked it a lot. Get it from Amazon.
Sounds well worth a look – but the word dirty puts me off a bit. Shame they didn’t use something with a more positive vibe.