I’ve finally got around to watching Tina Tyler’s Handyman and I’m very impressed with it. This is an all-male-masturbation movie with a difference, because this one is totally and uncompromisingly aimed at straight women. The guys (all of them straight) talk to the camera as if it’s a woman watching them jerk off. And all the male stars are very good looking and buffed. There’s a total of ten scenes plus a bonus peek at Lexington Steele in the shower.
I’ve now interviewed Tina Tyler for For The Girls and I’m really thrilled with what she’s trying to do with the Handyman series. Tina is an articulate and intelligent director who knows what she wants, something I very much admire.

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The interview will appear at FTG at the end of February. My review of Handyman appears today at FTG.
Tina says she’s just finished filming Handyman 5 and it should be on the shelves in March.
Oh! Oh! Oh! Finally, a movie made JUST for me and my particular fetish!!!
I’m SO psyched!