I didn’t post anything yesterday and there’s not much to talk about today either. Slow porn for women week, I guess, but my other problem at present is a growing concern that my blogs are taking up too much time.
I’ve got four full-time blogs at the moment (two are for For The Girls) and I’m finding that writing for all of them can really suck up the time. I’ve got a heap of projects that need doing and instead I find myself surfing around, looking for something to post just so I’ve done it for the day.

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At the same time, Ms Naughty is such a useful and important site to me, I don’t want to say that I’m not going to post regularly anymore. I do, however, want to say that if I don’t post on one day, it shouldn’t be a problem. I’m probably off doing something more important, like writing erotic fiction or creating a new free smut site for you to enjoy. Or I might be sleeping. And quality posts, not quantity, are what’s good about blogs.
Of course, now I’ve written this there’ll suddenly be a heap of things to post about tomorrow.