Today is the Summer Solstice, caloo, calay. Let us celebrate by sacrificing a virgin and guzzling a bottle of wine or two.
Alternately, it’s Global Orgasm Day – so go to it, young ladies!

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It’s also four days until Christmas and that naturally means that I’m outta here! I’m going to be doing very little work from now until the 7th of January because it’s Christmas, dammit, and that means I’m on holiday. Yes yes, I know I’ve been on holiday a lot this year, but that’s the payoff for being an evil pornographer, you see.
I’m also running behind in my posts – I’ve got a half-finished round-up on porn for women in 2007 but it’s just gonna have to wait until I get back.
So here’s wishing you an excellent Christmas/Summer Solstice and a fab New Year.
I’m going to organise a few automated posts with occasional smut, but if you want something substantial, check back after January 7.