“If you want something visual, that’s not too abysmal, we could take in an old Steve Reeves Movie.” – Frank N Furter
Buggerising about on Youtube today I ended up looking at old vintage beefcake footage like this, which features a handsome, well built young man wearing what looks like a knitted testicle pouch. Yes, it’s meant for gay men, but I found it rather enjoyable.

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And then I found the above tribute the 50s beefcake legend Steve Reeves, who starred in a zillion sword and sandal epics about Hercules. The video is montage of Reeves pics combined with One Vision by Queen, so once again I found it all very pleasant. Certainly Reeves is very easy on the eye and he had a spectacular physique.
And then, joy of joys, I found clips from the Australian comedy movie Hercules Returns, which I just adored when it came out. The film is actually a dubbed version of an old clunker called Hercules, Samson, Machismo and Ursus Are Invincible and it’s bloody hilarious. Thus:
Good fun.