Well, I’ve missed International Talk Like A Pirate Day again. That’s probably because I thought it was on Saturday, when I was at a blues festival and more interested in saying “How how how how” than “Yo Ho Ho.”
Still, it gives me an excuse to post my favorite picture of Johnny Depp and also to link to my list of the 10 sexiest pirates in film.

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I also thought I’d do a pirate translation of a paragraph from one of our illustrated sex stories – Sex Swing.
Avast, ye hearties afore’n they had both shed the’r clothes, eager t’ try ou’ the’r new toy. ‘t tookst a wee minutes t’ work ou’ which harness sailed’ ‘ere, an’ all th’ while Katie`s pussy be throbbin’ wi’ anticipation. At last she be strapped in, reclinin’ aft wi’ one leg in each stirrup, suspended in th’ air wi’ th’ lass’ thighs wide open. Th’ lass’ cunt felt hot an’ exposed, wet an’ waiting…
Yarr, if ye be not turned on by now, a curse on ye fer eternity, ye scurvy dogs.