The Trinidad and Tobago Express has an enlightened article dealing with the idea of “porn addiction”, especially in reference to women. It starts off with a bit of a judgemental tone but then ploughs straight into the facts about what psycholigists really think of the term “porn addiction” (they think it’s crap).

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Linz added, “In fact, the notions of “sexual addiction” generally, including “pornography addiction” as well as the recent concern with “on-line sex addiction” are highly questionable to most scientists.”…
So what does this mean for the growing number of local women going online and/or checking their DVD stores for both soft-core and hard-core pornography?
It means that labels such as “sex addict” or “pornography addict” may actually tell us more about our society and gender roles than shed light on any new addiction syndrome.
The article notes the popularity of porn amongst the women of Trinidad and Tobago:
“Women come in here all the time looking for blue movies. Some of them does be kind of shy about it and wait until nobody around to ask for it. Some of them does come straight and say what they looking for. They want black porn. They want Chinese porn. They want Latin porn. They want Indian porn. Different women want different things,” Michael S* a DVD stall attendant based in El Socorro shared.