Right, so this post won’t seem very relevant to non Australians but I just have to voice my glee at the stunt pulled by The Chaser team today.
They set up a fake motorcade with Canadian flags and made it past two checkpoints (I’m sickened there’s such a thing as a “checkpoint” in my country right now) in the APEC fenced security area in Sydney, drove all the way to George W. Bush’s hotel without police batting an eyelid. And they only got in trouble when Chas got out of the car obviously dressed as Osama Bin Laden.
Brilliant. Fabulous. Incredible.

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And exactly the kind of “fuck you” that millions of Australians have been wanting to say about this absurd “security” bullshit happening in the middle of Sydney. I mean, there are snipers pointing guns at people trying to go to work. This, my friends, is “democracy” when the US president decides to visit, and it sucks.
The police chief and various big wigs are all saying how unfunny the stunt is and suggesting that it proves their security system worked. I think it’s apparent to everyone that had Chas not decided to wear an Osama costume they would have got a great deal further past the cops.
OK, so this is an overtly political post, and I shouldn’t include politics in a sex blog. So what I’ll do instead is point out that Chas appears not to be wearing any underwear beneath his Osama robes. The hope that “Chas would keep his pants on” during this series already seems a bit optimistic.
If you’re not familiar with the Chaser’s War On Everything, check out their website, or all the videos on Youtube.
Channel 7 have got video of their news report here but it may not be there for long. Plenty of international media outlets are reporting on it as well.
They’ve been charged and there’s a threat of prison. I’m ready to give money to a fighting fund to keep them out.
Pic is from the Sydney Morning Herald.
Previous posts: The Chaser does porn scenarios, First Tuesday porno club
Edit: Someone’s put up the ACA report on Youtube which gives a good summary and some great footage.