Blade Runner Final Cut Has More Boobs

Blade Runner - Pris and the dummies. If you ask me to name my most favourite film in the world, I’ll give you two (I can never decide on a final winner). One is The Life Of Brian, the funniest movie ever. The other is Blade Runner.

So naturally I was over the moon to hear that Ridley Scott has released a final cut of the film at the Venice Film Festival. On top of that, there’s a mega-fabulous 5 DVD special edition coming out in December with no less than five different versions of the movie (plus a bunch of other stuff including your very own origami unicorn). I’m just busting to see it.

As a teenager my friends and I would endlessly write Roy Batty quotes all over our school diaries (“All those moments will be lost in time like tears in rain”) and watch the film repeatedly during all night video sessions.


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When the Director’s Cut came out in 1992 I was at university and still remember sitting in the cinema, enthralled at how much better one of my favourite films had become. Since then I’ve watched it countless times on DVD, to the point that I know all the lines. And yes, I bought the soundtrack too.

I’m just thrilled that I’m going to get the chance to see it in the cinema again, and I’m curious to know what’s been added. The Times article doesn’t give much away but I’ve read something in the comments below that suggest it will be a major plot point. Of course, you can’t trust your average everyday commenter, but it’s interesting to speculate.

(Another person wrote that the suggestion that Deckard is a replicant ruins Roy’s final act of the film, when he proves that the replicants are more moral and more human than human. Good point.)

One thing is apparent, though: the Final Cut seems to have more boobs. I watched the trailer at Youtube and at around 34 seconds there’s an entirely new shot of two masked female dancers in a glass tube. They seem to have giant boobs.

Blade Runner - More strippers, more boobs.
Blade Runner already has one set of boobs thanks to the scene when Joanna Cassidy has a shower and gets dressed in front of Harrison Ford. Who knew there’d be more?

Is Ridley going to finally let us see what Zhora does with that snake?

Edit: Damn, I’ve been misled, perhaps. Other news reports say the film will only be released on DVD. Which is a pity because I really do want to see it on the big screen. Especially if there’s more boobs.