Some news stories today dealing with women, porn, vibrators and sex:
* Picking up good vibrations in the Melbourne Age discusses the increasing respectability of sex toys and adult material.
“From a feminist point of view, the industry has been dominated by men for so long,” says Judith Glover. “Dildos were all about dick and balls, and that’s just so unimaginative. It’s like saying, ‘That’s all you sheilas get.’ But women are sophisticated consumers. And statistics show that the more income a woman has, the more likely she is to have a sex toy.”
The Eros Foundation says we have a way to go before claiming our hypocrisy about sex has been entirely stamped out. Robbie Swan points out that US porn star turned sex toy designer Candida Royalle this week won an internet-based award for best vibrator, but her Femme series of erotic movies are banned in Victoria because they are X-rated. “They’re beautifully made movies, aimed at women. The State Government isn’t keeping up with what women want.”
* In other Melbourne news, the council blocked an application for a new sex shop catering exclusively to women despite earlier indications that it should get approval. No idea why this happened, but it’s a pity.

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* The Coloradoan (what an awful name) raises the bogey of “porn addiction” with the new and exciting angle that women like porn too. Thankfully they do give a balanced opinion halfway down the article, after the prudish churchies have had their go. Psychotherapist J.J. Levy calls for a bit of calm:
“We call it a porn addiction if they spend three hours on the Internet viewing sexually explicit material, and yet lots of people spend a lot more time than that watching TV without referring to TV watching as an addiction,” Levy said.
* Sawf News reports on the growing market for female-friendly products in Japan.
She said many of her female customers had even resorted to buying gay porn due to the dearth of material geared towards heterosexual women.
“Many videos made for men show sex that is too animal-like. Women like to fantasise about good-looking men, about something unrealistic,” she said.
* German sex retailer Beate Uhse is again trumpeting plans to make their sex stores more female-friendly in an attempt to revive the company’s flagging fortunes. More info here.
* Violet Blue reports in her blog that she will be “(alone, personally) debating pro-porn for women versus anti-porn Moral Majority representatives on national television.” Unfortunately she doesn’t give any further information so I’ll try and post more info when it becomes available.
* And here’s an interesting statistic: romantic fiction accounts for a whopping 53% of all fiction book sales in the US (source). That’s a lot of romance novels. I think it’s a sobering thing to remember when thinking about what women want. There’s still a lot of women out there who love a good heaving bosom melodrama (although those stats also include the newly popular erotic romance titles).
So while porn for women isn’t necessarily about log fires, candles and Fabio, I’m sure the occasional burst of squishy romance amid the hardcore makes a lot of horny chicks very happy.