Three cheers for 16 year old Tom Wood who, in half an hour, proved that the new Australian government-approved porn filter isn’t worth the smear on an IT expert’s underpants.

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He’s shown that spending $84 million on compulsory net filtering software is a complete waste of money because teenagers know how to get around that kind of thing. If they want to look at porn, they will.
But what I’m really impressed about are his comments calling for a sensible, education-based approach:
“Filtering pornography is going to play a part but the main things that need to be done are collaboration with kids, because the problems that we have are directly affecting kids, not adults, and unless you speak to them quite a lot you’re not going to do anything with any effect,” he said.
“What really needs to happen is a lot of research done with kids and then education, compulsory in all levels of schooling, and awareness-raising for adults so we can get a more holistic approach and it’ll be a lot more effective all over.”