This is the new anti-speeding ad from the NSW government. It shows women holding up their pinky fingers after young men engage in hoony behaviour in their cars, speeding off and doing burnouts.
I have to say, I like it, if only because it’s similar to a joke I’ve been making for ages whenever a young bloke decides to hit the gas nearby.

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“Uh-oh,” I’ll say. “Looks like his giant penis unrolled out of his pants and fell onto the accelerator. The poor guy. It must be hard to be so very manly.”
Why do young men do stupid things in cars? Is it to impress women or other guys? Sometimes I think it’s supposed to be the equivalent of a mating display, to attract the chicks and ward off male competitors.
This particular ad tries to counter that “display instinct” by saying that it’s not impressing anyone. I know they’ve hit the nail on the head with the first two women – I’ve shared that “what a wanker” look with plenty of friends.
Someone has raised the issue that the ad says that small penises are bad, and I think it’s a good point to make. That’s not something men need to hear and it may reinforce negative stereotypes.
Still, surveys have consistently shown that it’s men who worry more about dick size than women. I don’t think the women in this ad are saying “He’s a loser because he’s got a small dick.” Rather I think they’re implying that the guys who hoon feel inadequate about themselves and are trying to make up for it – and the women recognise that.