We Aussies have only just begun to watch Torchwood, the Doctor Who spinoff series from the BBC, and I’m damned impressed. What really stands out is that this series is unashamedly bisexual and/or gay. We’re only up to the second episode and already there’s been two same-sex kisses.
In episode one the guy uses his special alien sex spray to pick up a woman at a bar. Things go pear-shaped when her boyfriend sees them leaving. Cue very funny bi kiss scene.

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In episode two a young girl is possessed by a sex-mad alien who seduces anyone that comes near, including shy heroine Gwen (Eve Myles). Cue steamy girl-girl kissing scene.
The creator of the series, Russel T. Davies, is gay, and for the Torchwood characters being gay or bi is pretty much normal. It’s so nice to have a new perspective on sex in a TV series, one that isn’t hysterical about the issue.