I finally added some new stuff to my parody site exexExChurch. If you haven’t been there before, it’s my reply to that ridiculous xxxchuch.com site which receives so much positive publicity from the mainstream media. My site basically asserts that church is addictive and suggests ways to overcome that addiction, primarily through porn and masturbation.
It’s amazing how holding up a mirror to an idea can reveal how insane that idea is.

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My latest addition is my reply to Judith A. Reisman’s bizarre theory of “erotoxins.” It’s hymnotoxins, created when one listens to, or sings church music. Causes brain damage, you know.
I’ve also decided that exexExchurch should start holding Church and Cheesecake events in an effort to persuade people away from religion through scantily clad women and dessert.
Spread the word, people. Salvation is at hand.