I grow old, I grow old, I shall wear the bottom of my trousers rolled…
Can you believe it? 20 years since Dirty Dancing was released. Jennifer Grey is now 47. My God.
I was not quite 14 when it came out and I remember enjoying the film, although it wasn’t an instant fave. I did, however, buy both the albums, perhaps because I desperately wanted a copy of “Do You Love Me?” – damn, haven’t teenagers got it easy today with their downloads?. I also remember wishing solemnly that I could slowdance to “Time of My Life” at school discos, but no boy would go near me.

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Dirty Dancing is still hugely popular, and they’re re-releasing the film in cinemas for the anniversary. This article in USAToday interviews several women about why they love the film so much.
I’ve written about the sexual appeal of Patrick Swayze in that role, and I think that’s a big part of why the young women of today like the movie. She’s the everygirl with the big nose, he’s the hunk… and he loves her. Perfect. Teenage. Fantasy.
I’ve watched the bridal couple re-constructing the last dance at their wedding and it made me smile a lot. I was going to embed it but I think I’m going to opt for the far sexier “Cry To Me” scene.
Now I don’t care what your politics are, that is very, very erotic.
Via Scanner.