“Women aren’t visual.” Yeah right.
The Kinsey Institute has provided some fascinating research which shows that when it comes to looking at sexual images, women go for the crotch. And they spend a lot longer than men checking out pictures of sexual acts as well.
Dr Heather Rupp is the author of Sex differences in viewing sexual stimuli: An eye tracking study in men and women. She has found that it’s men, rather than women, who spend time looking at the face, while both sexes spend a similar amount of time looking at the genitals.

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This completely contradicts the report in the Online Journalism Review which said that men are the ones looking at the crotch.
Who to believe in this case? My bet is on the Kinsey Institute.
Rupp also found that the amount of ogling a woman did depended on her hormonal state.
“The eye-tracking data suggested what women paid most attention to was dependent on their hormonal state. Women who were using hormonal contraceptives looked more at the genitals, while women who were not using hormonal contraceptives paid more attention to contextual elements of the photographs.”
Meanwhile… don’t you just love the word “ogle”? It’s got such a disapproving tone to it. The word itself suggests a visual form of wide-eyed gluttony.
It caused the Daily Telegraph to come up with the witty headline: Women good bad and ogly.
A couple of years ago I wrote a humor piece for For The Girls about the way the media likes to come up with new terms for demographic groups: “metrosexuals” being an obvious example.
I wrote:
I’ve also decided to coin a new term for women who believe in feminist principles but also enjoy porn – we’re feminoglers. We know what we want to see, we’re not ashamed to enjoy explicit material, and we don’t need to use any cosmetic “products†while we do it.
Now that’s a word.
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