A marketing report called “Women Online” has found that more women than men use the internet in the US. 97.2 million women like to play with teh interwebs compared to 90.9 million men.
The researchers found that women were more likely to use social networking sites like Myspace and were less keen on video sites like Youtube.

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The report has hit the big news services today and what’s interesting is the way it’s been treated by different outlets.
Women dominate US web use – Sydney Morning Herald
Women don’t click with internet videos – Reuters
I read the SMH one first and thought “Oh cool, there’s a lot of female surfers out there.” Then I searched on Google news and discovered that Reuters and subsequent affiliates had gone with the negative “women don’t like video” angle.
Why, I wonder?
Why not go with a headline that says “Men don’t like Myspace”?
And check out this quote from Debra Aho Williamson, the author of the report. “Men are more visual than women, who tend to communicate in writing and or in words.”
Ah yes, let the generalisations begin.