Next time you’re thinking of smuggling a few drugs through airport security, don’t assume the police won’t check your hashish-filled vibrator.
At least, that’s what happened to a Ukrainian woman who thought the cops would be too embarrassed to look closely at her vibe. She had taken out the batteries and stuffed hash into the empty compartment. The Kiev security people had sniffer dogs and subsequently arrested her.

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Perhaps the most distressing part of this story is that it renders the vibrator suspicious. Suddenly our buzzy friends are no longer the embarrassing yet innocuous piece of equipment we’re used to.
Nope, now they’re complicit in smuggling contraband and not to be trusted. Most likely the result is that they will be studied closely and waved around at the x-ray counter more often.
Who knows, next they’ll be testing our vibes for traces of gunpowder.
Pictured is Hustler’s My First Vibe which may be the ideal drug-smuggling toy, given that it comes with around 6 inches of hashish-stuffing space inside.